Many thanks to our Kickstarter backers!
Over 150 supporters helped to make these BIPOC anthologies possible!
We're immensely grateful to the backers who went above and beyond by pledging support
within our "All Print & Digital Books" and "BIPOC Future Pack - All Books!" tiers.
Adelaide Starke - Blanca Hoffmeier - Brian Butler - Brooks Moses
Dakota Minnie Boyer - Eliza Martinez - Erik T. Johnson - John McDaniel
Karen Lewis - Marilyn Dominguez - Mark Oshiro - Mwikali Hayes
M. G. Doherty & Family - Nimiye Ogoun - Rosario Martinez
Future Splendor: Celebrating A New Renaissance is Bee Infinite Publishing's first BIPOC anthology! Echoing The Harlem Renaissance, we want to envision a bright and empowering future. Therefore, we've collected Afrofuturist, sci-fi, and speculative fiction visions of the 2020s and beyond. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) writers were invited to share short stories and poetry.
“If we imagine ourselves into the future, how are we going to be when we get there? Can we be agents of the future or will we be objects of the future?”
- Kerry James Marshall, Artist.
Marshall describes what we strive to express within this anthology in a nutshell! We hope you find his quote both informative and inspirational.
#FutureSplendor #BeeInfinitePublishing

Cover Art by Kai Adia
Our Contributors
A. A. Poku is a 24 year old Akan woman living in the United States. As an author and artist, She is an afrofuturist who is spiritually inclined, detests chocolate, loves trivia, and is passionate about the wellbeing of people, animals, and the environment.
Ana Marie Boyd is a poet, writer, and educator who lives in Eugene, Oregon. A graduate of the University of Oregon, she studied English literature, psychology, and religion. Raised in a multiracial and multi-generational home, her writing seeks to explore themes around heritage, family tradition, spirituality, and reckoning.
Ariel So is originally from Hong Kong and has lived in Singapore. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Sprague Gallery, The Balcony, Our Sound, Protest Through Poetry, and elsewhere. She graduated summa cum laude from Scripps College with a B.A. in English and Creative Writing Emphasis. Currently, she freelances for Farrar, Straus and Giroux and works in book publishing.
Alexandria Trujillo is a 33 year old multiracial (Mexican/Japanese/White) author living in Seattle, WA but originally from Tucson, AZ.
Adrian Ernesto Cepeda is the author of Flashes & Verses… Becoming Attractions from Unsolicited Press, Between the Spine published with Picture Show Press and La Belle Ajar, inspired by Sylvia Plath’s 1963 novel, will be published by CLASH Books in 2020. You can connect with Adrian on his website:
Jordan Penland is a half-Black, half-Ecuadorian writer and artist from Los Angeles, CA. He predominantly works in fiction and with watercolor markers on paper to create brightly colored, highly abstract, and occasionally psychedelic drawings with a strong doodle aesthetic. He juxtaposes this seemingly cartoonish style by rooting his content in aspects of his personhood that he normally finds so difficult to share with others. His work has appeared in Rigorous Magazine, OKAY COOL MAGAZINE, Juste Milieu, Love Your Rebellion, Curious Magazine, Fuck Your Dreams Zine, Another Spring Zine, Shelby x Studios, Kalu Mala Zine, Stellium Literary Magazine, The Pandemic Post and the MidWest Mix Conference. When he isn't busy drawing/writing, he is mapping his dreams, searching for some knowledge usually left unseen.You can contact him @mostlymildmidnightmocha.
Jacqueline Rose is an undergraduate student at Antioch University Los Angeles currently in attendance as a Bachelor’s Program Liberal Arts major, emphasizing in Creative Writing. Jacqueline has more than 20 years of combined professional and volunteer efforts in education including former ventures as a Cultural Diversity Outreach Scholarship Program Administrator with the Noel Compass Foundation, Teaching Assistant for the International School of Naples, Men Aiming Higher, Inc. Fundraising Chair, and Stevens Point Area School District Communication Liaison in Wisconsin. She has had a rewarding career helping students fulfill their educational goals from primary to secondary education through successful college matriculation.
Kai Adia is the co-founder of Bee Infinite Publishing, spearheading the editing and creative design of innovative book projects. She is a writer of prose poetry and short stories, focusing on science fiction and fantasy. In 2018, she graduated from Pitzer College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Analysis and English & World Literature. In 2017, she was awarded the Bea Matas Hollfelder ‘87 Award by the English Department at Pitzer College for exceptional work in creative writing and literature. She has shared her work in various journals and outlets and in 2020, she published her debut poetry collection, The Depths of Anima. Kai is also an experienced copywriter and communications strategist working with brands like the Pan African Film Festival, Stocker Street Creative, American Wheelman, and The Hidden Genius Project. Currently, she is working on her second poetry collection, drinking chagaccinos, and watching too many Kdramas.
Lorraine Bonner was born and raised on the East Coast. She moved to California in 1970, and began working in clay in the early 90’s. Her work began in response to trauma, but soon evolved to embrace the larger political and spiritual themes of dominationism and the mutually reflective processes of the political and personal. She lives in Oakland and is a mother and a grandmother.
Lucas Pincer-Flynn is a Brazilian writer and multi-media artist living in Los Angeles with his partner, three cats and a turtle. He is currently working on his first book of poems.
Mia S. Willis is a Black poet, educator, and beatmaker from Charlotte, North Carolina. Their work, twice nominated for The Pushcart Prize, has been featured by Palette Poetry, The Offing, the minnesota review, homology lit, Narrative Northeast, Slamfind, and others. A two-time Best of the Net nominee, Mia is also the author of monster house. (Jai-Alai Books), the 2018 winner of the Cave Canem Foundation’s Toi Derricotte & Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize. Their debut full-length poetry collection is forthcoming. Connect with Mia on Twitter and Instagram (@poetinthehat).
Morgan Goode is a junior at Virginia Tech where she is majoring in communications and minoring in political science and creative writing. She is from Glen Allen, VA, where she attended poetry events and fell in love with stories and the art of communication. In her spare time she enjoys reading and writing poetry, short stories, and essays. This publication in Bee Infinite Publishing is her first so she is so excited to see the anthology published and to see where her career goes from here.
Nancy Kirolos is an artist and an award-winning scientist living in the Netherlands. Her preferred media to create art are words, music, watercolors, and photography. She likes to write stories and poems in English and Dutch. Nancy’s goal is to stimulate people emotionally and intellectually through her written work which has been published in several publications in Europe and the US. In 2020 and 2021, Nancy was longlisted for the Dutch El Hizjra literature prize.
Rose Ivy is a neurodivergent queer writer who aims to show that everyone has the capacity to create. As a graduate of Pitzer College, she is currently working on publishing her first collection of poetry "Ink Blot Girl Diaries" and applying for a Master's in library science. You can find Rose on "Muse Poetry" podcast where she shares her works. Besides poetry, Rose loves rainy days, reading, and playing with her 4 dogs and 2 cats.
Russell Nichols is a speculative fiction writer and endangered journalist. Raised in Richmond, California, he got rid of all his stuff in 2011 to live out of a backpack with his wife, vagabonding around the world ever since. Look for him at
Sheree Renée Thomas is an award-winning short story writer, poet, and editor. Her work is inspired by myth and folklore, natural science, and Mississippi Delta conjure. Nine Bar Blues: Stories from an Ancient Future (Third Man Books, May 2020) is her fir debut. Her writing has been supported with fellowships and residencies from the Millay Colony of Arts, Bread Loaf Environmental, VCCA, Ledig House / Art Omi, Blue Mountain Center, Cave Canem Foundation, NYFA, Tennessee Arts Commission, The Wallace Foundation, and Smith College where she served as the Lucille Geier-Lakes Writer-in-Residence. The Studio Museum in Harlem commissioned her to create original poems for the William Edmondson, Bill Traylor, Chris Ofili exhibition and her writing has been translated in Spanish, French, and Urdu.
S. Rupsha Mitra is a poet from India who loves to write and talk about spirituality. Her micro chapbook Dandelion Skin is recently out from Origami Poems. You can find out more about her and her work at
WC Dunlap draws her inspiration from the complexities of a Black Baptist middle class upbringing by southern parents in northern New Jersey, and all that entails for a brown skin girl growing up in America. Equally enthralled by the divine and the demonic with a professional background in data & tech, she seeks to bend genres with a unique lens on fantasy, fear, and the future.WC Dunlap’s writing career spans across speculative fiction, journalism, spoken word, and cultural critique. You can find her most recent work in FIYAH, Lightspeed and Podcastle. WC Dunlap holds a BA in Film and Africana Studies from Cornell University. She is the proud mother of a young adult son and two British Shorthair familiars. She is currently completing her first full-length novel, a macabre horror-thriller about lycans, justice reform and the end of the world. WC is also a member of Fizzgig, a group of emerging Black speculative fiction writers changing the face of the genre. Follow WC Dunlap on twitter @wcdunlap_tales.
Zainab Shahzad is 14 years old, born on July 16 2006 in Toronto, Ontario to her parents, Binish Razi and Shahzad Ahmed. She is a lively and high-spirited individual whose passion for writing dates back to her earliest childhood memories. Writing has been a familiar presence in her life for many years. She hopes to publish her own anthology or novel. Her writing often revolves around her love of nature and literature and the feelings they evoke. These feelings and moments inspire her writing and most importantly make her who she is today. Zainab Shahzad.
Where Monsters Lurk & Magic Hides (YA) & Places We Build In The Universe (Adult)
The Latine Genre anthologies include a young adult anthology entitled Where Monsters Lurk & Magic Hides and an adult anthology entitled Places We Build In The Universe. Each celebrate the wide culture of magical realism and genre present in our shared experiences. Spanning cultures and continents and backgrounds, this project is an example of escapism at its purest form. There are stories about mermaids and traditional Latine monsters. There are romance stories and horror stories. They take place in this world and in space and maybe somewhere in between. Most importantly, the characters in these stories are not “Latine” characters; rather, they are characters embarking on adventures who are unabashedly Latine.
Bee Infinite Publishing is proud to publish the YA Anthology, edited by Latina editor and Pushcart nominated writer, Lauren T. Davila. This project is completely Latin/LatinX from the contributors to the cover artists. We are collaborating with Flower Song Press to publish the Adult Anthology.
#WhereMonstersLurkMagicHides #PlacesWeBuildInTheUniverse
November 2022
Cover Art

< < YA artwork example by Mazziel Coello
Adult artwork example by Tania Jiménez > >

YA Contributors
K.C. Amira is a Ph.D. student at Northumbria University studying the impacts of the Reagan era on representations of children in 1980s body-horror cinema. She runs Horror Chromatic, a blog dedicated to uplifting horror creatives and fans in the BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and neurodivergent communities. Her fiction work has been featured in multiple anthologies including Hear Us Scream and The One That Got Away by Kandisha Press. She lives in Brighton, UK with her cats. Twitter: @horrorchromatic, Instagram: @horror_chromatic
Jaelin St. Clair is a writer, streamer, content creator, and queer individual who tries to balance all these hats at once. They enjoy long walks on the beach, complaining about capitalism, and really following their heart. He believes in work that nourishes the soul, while understanding that not all work is work– sometimes it can be play. When they’re not writing, they can usually be found working on some project or taking a well-deserved nap. He has a soft spot for poetry, horror, and fantasy and someday wishes to write all three genres. Twitter: @DJxMatchax
Shayna Conde is a New Jersey-based writer of Caribbean descent. She enjoys rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender, pretending she has the cooking abilities of Alex Guarnaschelli, and drinking very old grapes. She’s also a semi-finalist for the Cave Canem poetry prize and is working on an essay collection. Instagram: @shaynarc, Twitter: @SRCondee
Sabrina Prestes is a YA & NA writer focusing on both romance and dark, character-driven thrillers. Raised in Brazil, the USA, and Mexico, she incorporates her varied experiences into her stories. In 2019 and 2020, she participated in #WriteMentor to mentor other writers on their path to publication. She also writes as "destacia" on Wattpad, where her works have gained over two million reads. Twitter and instagram: @destaciax
K. Victoria Hernandez is a speculative fiction author and early career ecologist. In 2018 she graduated from the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop and has since been published in khōréō magazine, Cotton Xenomorph,, and others. The granddaughter of Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants, Hernandez’s heritage often informs her writing, as do her experiences as a woman, a science nerd, and an extremely fidgety child. She is currently based in Los Angeles, earning her PhD in ecology and environmental narrative. Twitter: @kvictoriaherna1
Kiara Medina is a Puerto Rican exiled to Texas. She has an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from The Vermont College of Fine Arts. When she’s not writing, she’s watching too many animated movies and cuddling with her two cats. She can be found on Twitter at @KiaraCMedina and Instagram at @PuertoRicanAndBookish.
Ashley Jean Granillo is a Mexican-American writer and English educator at many levels. She currently teaches both high school and college-level writers, and in the past, has hosted creative writing workshops for middle schoolers. A native Los Angeleno, she has her BA and MA in Creative Writing from California State University Northridge, but she got her start as a writer at the age of five when she illustrated and published her first “book" through Telfair Elementary's Book Buddy program in Pacoima, California. Currently, she is an MFA candidate for UCR's Low Residency program in Palm Desert. When she isn’t writing, Ashley Jean assists her community by volunteering as a local artist judge for their annual Sidewalk Poetry Project. She also reads fiction submissions and writes reviews for The Coachella Review.
Nathalie D. Medina is a bilingual, biracial, lesbian, disabled Dominican-American woman from New York City with a bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies from Haverford College. During the day, she has been a games journalist, an editor and a copywriter. Because she can't ever get away from her love of language, she spends the nights exploring characters and worlds that run the genre gamut. She lives in the Bronx with the world's chillest black cat, Lucy, and the least chill husband, Danny Lore. If not deep in word mines, Nathalie loves collecting dolls, watching anime and playing video games. Her favorite author is Lois McMaster Bujold. Twitter and Instagram: @cosyfemme
Mariel Jungkunz After a childhood move from Puerto Rico to the United States, Mariel Jungkunz learned to love and call the Florida Panhandle—and now snowy Ohio—home. She loves the mystery and allure of words, whether she’s working as a research editor at or writing picture books and a YA novel that’s in the works. In 2019, Mariel completed a writing mentorship with Las Musas, a collective of Latinx authors. She is represented by Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
Judy Fernandez Diaz is a first-generation Dominican American living in Arizona. She started writing when she was an eleven-year-old in the Providence projects craving alternate realities and adventure. She was selected as a Spring 2020 Las Musas Books Hermana mentee and has a Master's Degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. In addition to writing, she juggles a career in human resources and being a single mom to her beautiful eight-year-old daughter.
Lauren T. Davila is a Pushcart-nominated, Latina writer currently pursuing her Ph.D. in English at Claremont Graduate University in California, USA. She holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from George Mason University and dual BAs in English and Creative Writing from Pepperdine University. Her writing has been widely published, including in Granada Magazine and Ghost Heart Literary Magazine. She has multiple short story anthologies publishing in 2022. She is currently working on a YA novel, picture book, and both poetry and short story collections. Besides her personal creative work, she is a member of the Board of Advisors for CatStone Books and an assistant editor for Foothill Journal. She lives in the Los Angeles suburbs where you can find her drinking decaf rose lattes and swimming.
Flor Salcedo was born and raised in the border town of El Paso, TX, among the enchanted desert and mountains which make for the setting for this story. She is currently a computer programmer living in Austin, Texas and has been in this technological field for over a decade but dreams of transitioning to writing full time. She has a personal essay published in The Ocotillo Review Vol. 1, and a short story in the anthology, FORESHADOW: The Magic of Reading and Writing YA. She is seeking agent representation for her young adult, Mad Max-esque novel.
Taylor Ramage is a poetry and fantasy author of Puerto Rican descent. Her flash fiction has appeared in speculative and literary anthologies. Her published poetry includes the collections, Forgive Us Our Trespasses and Lest I Know Your Weakness. Taylor has an avid love of stories in all forms. Twitter: @TaylorRamage Instagram: @taylorrama
Stephanie Slagle is a professional freelance editor with six years of publishing industry experience. She has read the slush pile for literary agents and edited books for small publishing presses. She majored in film production at San Diego State University. When she isn't editing books or working on her own novels, she enjoys playing with her dog, traveling with her husband, and singing in her local choir. Twitter: @steph_slagle, Instagram: @stephanieeslagle
Alexandra Campos is a Latine writer from Los Angeles, California currently residing in Canada. She has multiple degrees in creative writing & recently acquired her Masters in Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia. Alexandra enjoys writing young & adult fiction about magical girls and their desire to belong. As a first-generation Mexican-American, Alexandra has struggled to find her place among family and culture, often reflecting that struggle in her work. This is her first publication. Twitter: @Alex_Livier and Instagram: @alexlivier
Linda Raquel Nieves Pérez (she/they) is an Afro-boricua writer born on a rainy night in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, which they often blame for their obsession for writing about water goddesses with stormy tempers. When she isn’t re-reading Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time, you can find her sharing her art and projects on social media. You can check out Linda’s short fiction in the forthcoming Reclaim the Stars anthology (out 2/15/2022) and No Harm Done horror anthology (out Fall 2023). Twitter: @MissLindaBennet, Instagram: @l.ndaraquel, TikTok: @linda.reads
ADult Contributors
V. Castro is a Mexican American writer from San Antonio, Texas now residing in the UK. As a full-time mother she dedicates her time to her family and writing Latinx narratives in horror, and science fiction. Her most recent releases include The Queen of the Cicadas from Flame Tree Press and Goddess of Filth from Creature Publishing. Connect with Violet via Instagram and Twitter @vlatinalondon or She can also be found on Goodreads and Amazon.
Samantha Ortiz is a fiction writer with a B.S. in computer science and a minor in creative writing. Her previous publications include “Along Dimmed Streets,” featured in Czykmate Productions’ Horror Anthology 101 Proof Horror, July 2020, and “Sharp Spaces,” featured in Kandisha Press’ Women of Horror Vol. 4 Don’t Break the Oath.
Rosario Martinez was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and grew up in Dallas, Texas. She writes about love, haunting, fantastical and impossible things. She lives in North Texas with her husband and four sweet but demanding cats. Find her on all socials @rosariomwrites
Selena Delvalle has been an Editorial Intern for Filles Vertes Publishing for 18 months and Tessera Editorial for 3 months. She interned with Carly Hayward to edit her #Revpit winner and participated as an editor on #10queries Fall 2020. She currently works with at-risk-teens in preventive services. She writes Adult/New Adult horror and Young Adult urban fantasy stories. Her story isn't much different from other writers in that she loves to read and has been imagining and writing stories since she was a kid. Her TBR stack of books is outrageous but it doesn't stop her from buying new books, especially new releases of writers she respects. Twitter: @selenadv7, Instagram and TikTok: @selenadv
Lydia San Andres Lydia San Andres lives and writes in the tropics, where she can be found reading and making excuses to stay out of the heat.
Zaida Polanco is the pen name of an Afro-Dominican writer and professional procrastinator who writes low-angst high-heat romance when she's not busy with her career as a Hollywood screenwriter. Her interests include Netflix romcoms, Cafe Bustelo, and every dog in the world. Twitter: @ZPolancoWrites
C.M. Leyva is a Latine writer and registered nurse who enjoys writing character-driven fiction that provides representation for women in science. Her work can be found in the upcoming gothic anthology When Other People Saw Us, They Saw The Dead with Haunt Publishing. When she's not working on her next short story or manuscript, you can find her attempting home improvement projects, binge-watching shows, or playing video games.
Sabrina Sol is the chica who loves love. She writes sexy romance stories featuring strong and smart Latina heroines in search of their Happily Ever Afters. Sabrina and her books have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Bookriot's “100 Must Read Rom-Coms”, PopSugar’s list of “8 Up-and-Coming Latinx Romance Writers Who Should Be on Your Radar”, and her Delicious Desires series made The Latina Book Club’s Annual Books of The Year Lists in 2015 and 2016. Sabrina’s common themes of food, family, and love are weaved into intricate plots that all connect for a powerful read that lingers in the hearts of readers. She is proud of her Mexican-American heritage, culture, and traditions—all of which can be found within the pages of her books. Sabrina is a native of Southern California, where she currently lives with her husband, three children, and four dogs. Twitter: @theromancehica, Insta: @sabrina_theromancechica, TikTok: @sabrina_theromancechica
M.G. Doherty is a Latina speculative fiction writer and visual artist who has lived in four states and counting. Her current work is centered on isolation, queerness, and the forging of emotional connections across vast distances. She holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the California Institute of the Arts. Twitter: @mg_doherty and Instagram: @mgdoherty
Ida Duque is a higher education professional writing sweary romantic comedy under a pen name, mostly because college students are not impressed by "kissing books." She loves her students and working on campus, and there’s nothing else in the world she’d rather do, but she also loves writing stories and entertaining. A pen name seemed like a good compromise. Ida lives in South Florida with her husband and two kids, one of whose future plans include becoming “the boss of Miami.” Seriously. Ida’s loving every minute of raising her but will welcome parenting tips on dealing with aspiring dictators. There are currently no playgroups in their area organized for fiercely independent kids also interested in political machinations and autocracy. Twitter: @DuqueWriter
PD Loupee is a queer non-binary comics creator based in Brazil. Their prose has been published in Editora Draco’s Meu Amor é Um Sobrevivente, and in AmazonBR’s national short story contest, with the tale entitled Vazio. As a comic book editor and writer, they have been featured in several successfully funded Kickstarters, including the Prism Awards nominated anthology Being True: LGBTQ+ Comics from the Boston Comics Roundtable. Twitter and Instagram: @pdloupee
Aurora Martinez is a Latinx writer raised in the sweltering Arizona desert, but currently residing in Chicago. By day she works in finance, and by night she is the overlord of her fictional worlds. With a family obsessed with genealogy and her own obsession with reading about magic and adventure, Aurora often incorporates historical facts with fantasy. She primarily writes Adult/YA Science Fiction-Fantasy and is currently querying her YA fantasy novel. Twitter: @1auroramartinez, Instagram: @byauroramartinez and Tiktok: @byauroramartinez
Nico Stiles is a poet, multimedia artist, and author. They received training in writing and performance art through mentoring with local group P.O.M.E beginning at age fourteen and have been finding new ways to create and share since. His work often includes educating others on topics centering gender, sexuality, and race, through discussing his own experiences as a biracial trans person. When he's not creating or educating, Nico can be found wandering graveyards with friends or dancing with a hyper chihuahua and a tsundere cat.
Jeff de Leon is a Dominican-American husband, teacher, and author.
Yamilette Vizcaíno Rivera is a queer AfroLatinx writer and educator based in Brooklyn. She has received fellowships from the HUES Foundation and Sundress Academy for the Arts, and was the inaugural writer in residence at Velvet Park Media. A Tin House and VONA alum, her words can be found online at Liminal Transit Review, Barrelhouse, Cosmonauts Avenue, and Watermelanin Magazine, and are forthcoming in a chapbook from The Hellebore Press in spring 2022. Twitter and IG: @awildyam
Tristan Tarwater is an author of spec fic prose, comics, and RPG bits. Originally from the LES of NYC, they now make stuff up in the comfort of their home in Portland, OR where they live with their Spouse, Small Boss, and a cat who is very viejito. When they are not writing they are boricuafying their island on ACNH or freaking out about linguistics. An advocate for better representation in the media, they created the #LatinxsCreate hashtag on Twitter in 2016. You can find their work at Twitter and IG: @backthatelfup
Bee You. Bee Kind. Bee Infinite!